The CubicMeter communicates with the open wireless M-Bus standard using 868 MHz mode C1, format A and security mode 5. The meter can then be used with most standard wireless M-Bus gateways.
The default message transmission interval is every 12 hours, which can be changed with a custom order. Every message contains the meter error/leak status and aggregated water usage value corresponding to the LCD.
To receive the individual meter encryption key, obtain it here.
The default message transmission interval is every 12 hours, which can be changed with a custom order. Every message contains the meter error/leak status and aggregated water usage value corresponding to the LCD.
Quandify’s registered DLMS ID is “LTO” and the protocol follows EN-13757 for sending total volume usage data. The leakage status alarm can be parsed from the “meter status byte” at bit 6 (0x40) where:
1 = medium/large leak, 0 = no leak.
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