Take Proactive Measures and Prevent Water Damages
Water damage is a common problem in our homes, with over 100,000 incidents reported each year in Sweden alone. Besides the financial strain it imposes, water damage disrupts daily life and can take months to resolve before repairs can even begin.
Below, you will find tips and tricks on how to avoid water damages becoming a potential problem in your life.
Water Shut Off Valve
Much like a current circuit breaker, the water shut off valve shuts the supply of water off in case of leaks to avoid damages.
Smart Water Leak Sensor
Similar to a fire alarm, this device sends an alarm when in direct contact with water. Its reach can be extended using accessories and it monitors temperature and humidity changes in the air.
House Fungi and Mold
Learn how to spot these nasty intruders in your home, and find out which Quandify product is best for this type of issue.
Frozen Water Pipes
Water expands when it freezes to ice. This causes the pressure to increase and causes pipes to commonly burst. Country side and summer houses are particularly vulnerable.
The Risks of Leaks
Health Problems
Leaks can lead to stagnant water, creating an environment conducive to the growth of mold. These infestations can occur on, or even inside, walls and floors, making it challenging to access and remove them. Consequently, the presence of mold in such hard-to-reach areas can pose health risks for tenants, as they may inhale the mold spores.
Naturally, when there are leaks, the costs for homeowners will increase. Even small, seemingly insignificant leaks can accumulate over time and lead to substantial financial burdens in the long run. Therefore, promptly identifying and repairing leaks can significantly mitigate these potential expenses.
Damage to Property
Over time, areas that experience a constant drip of water can lead to the deterioration of structural integrity, particularly if the item is constructed with traditional materials like wood. Even concrete is susceptible to damage from persistent water drips. As a result, homeowners will incur costs, and in the future, when assessing the value of the house, it will likely be affected.